A Picture Is Worth More Than a Thousand Words

Look at the picture to the left. I'm sure after taking a moment you quickly realized it was a picture of a boy and his puppy (my boy and his puppy to be exact). I'm also sure that a number of thoughts possibly ran through your head as you looked over this image. Maybe you thought of your own children, or your dog at home eagerly waiting for you to get home. It is interesting how much information we can derive from a single image. When we see an image we can connect that image with other information that we can relate too, often on a very personal level which makes it easier for us to retain. Then we (teachers like myself) go to work on Monday and as class begins we instruct our students to dutifully get out their notes as we begin another death by power point lecture that we know is going to take 40 minutes when our students attention span is only about 10-15 minutes, depending on their age. Just walk into any faculty meeting and you can st...